It either happens or it doesn’t…

So, the job that is moving glacially slow in hiring went to the next step this morning and I got to actually meet with real, live people and not just people on a phone.

There are… inconsistencies. I was told that this was a newly created position. When I was being introduced to everyone I was introduced as “A candidate for X’s old job”. Twice someone mentioned “…but I thought we’d hired someone for that position…” when I have been told that I am the sole candidate for the position.

There are some VERY worrisome aspects. The people in the office I’d be working in have no idea what the corporate office people are hiring someone to do. It was mentioned that they have no idea who would be training me or who would even have the TIME to train me. There was a brief mention of shipping me off to corporate “but I’m not sure how that would work, I mean, the company won’t pay for it since you’re just a contractor…” so now I am worrying about how I would afford a trip to a locale 1500 miles away.

And then there was the whole bit about what a nightmare it is to actually get hired on to the company I’d be a contractor for until they decide to hire me (IF they decide to actually hire me). And being told that you have to completely start over with the hiring process, re-apply for the job, be interviewed, go through all of the background checking and everything ALL OVER AGAIN.

I can’t shake the bad feeling I have about this. So… it either happens or it doesn’t. If it does, I hope they get their shit together. If it doesn’t… then it doesn’t. Back to the job boards…

Thanks but I’ll do it myself….

I’ve been working with an agency on a job that is moving painfully slow. I just got the most aggressive, assholish email from the agency contact and you know what? Screw it. I’ll find a job on my own. I don’t need someone being an assclown because I have asked for clarification and they can’t be bothered.

Enjoy the fact that you have a job, Mister Man.

I’ll take back control of my destiny, thanks.

Quick Correspondence

Dear Hiring Manager,

I have just completed my third interview for a job with your company. The job is a data entry clerk position. It does not involve payroll. It does not involve information that affects National Security. The position does not require me to perform complex neurosurgery. It requires me to sit at a desk 8 hours a day and enter data into forms on a computer. Data that no one but your company cares about.

Telling me that you will probably schedule a FOURTH interview (with one more interview phase and two background check phases) is not filling me with joy or confidence. Nor is it making me think the job is uber important. It is making me think that you are yanking my chain and dragging your feet hoping that the heavens will open and your perfect candidate will fall from the sky into your lap. Because right now, I am your sole candidate and you’ve already dragged this process out long enough that the two other candidates for the position found other jobs (which they took) and so now you are left with me.

And honestly, if I’m not what you want because you want someone with a college degree to sit at a computer all day and enter information into forms, then just tell me that so that I can move on and not waste any more of your time or any more of my time.

I was born at night, yes. Not LAST night, though.

No Love,
(and surprisingly little patience)

Labor Day

Although it has been over a month since I was last employed, I still thought I should write a post on Labor Day. After all, looking for work is a job in and of itself, right? If you answer that in the negative, I conjecture that you’ve never really had to launch a full-scale job hunt.

That being said, I am not actually working on job search things today because there is enough other stuff that I have neglected that I need to get some things done. First up will be cleaning up the mess that is within the line of sight from my desk! Truly horrifying.

Also, the office needs cleaning (again) and I believe that *I* could use a good scrubbing. Also, need to get the laundry put away. See, all of these little details! It’s a wonder I have time to get anything done, really.

I have some filing that desperately needs to get done, too. Which means I need to find file folders and get them labeled. Also… I have some three ring binders that I need to work on getting put together as I would like them to be functional.

I picked up some Fast Flats (Dr. Scholls) over the weekend. I am not someone who wears heels but there are just some times when I do wear shoes that get very uncomfortable and I thought that these were a cool idea. I will probably keep them in the car. I was looking for a link for these when I found FootzyRolls. Once I am working again, I will likely look into getting a pair of the FootzyRolls for comparison.

I should probably get to work on the things I need to get done today. I haven’t gotten the kitty litter in from the car yet, so I guess I get to put THAT task off for another day. (I am trying to ignore the cat glaring at me as I type that!)

And, for the record, neither Dr. Scholls nor FootzyRolls provided me with either product or monetary compensation for mentioning their products here. Though should either company feel compelled, I would love to work with them.


Last Friday, I had a phone interview. It went well. A second phone interview needed to be done. It was scheduled for this morning (Thursday). Guess what DIDN’T happen? Yeah, the person who was scheduled to be in the call forgot/blew it off. It isn’t even Friday. Nice. So now, because someone was too damn important/busy/forgetful to show up for a PHONE CALL, I have to wait until TUESDAY to try again. There are THREE STEPS to the process after that, each taking a week to 3 weeks to process. With any luck, I may have a job offer by the end of the year!

In unrelated news, I had an entrecard ad placement turned down. Ummmm, excuse me? I sortve have to laugh that someone with the word “bitch” in their blog title apparently thinks MsCleanslate here is too offensive.

In any case, getting back to the first part of the post, it bothers me that I spent an hour waiting for someone to come and interview me this morning and now they can’t even be bothered to reschedule until next week (so, no consideration AT ALL for the fact that I might, you know, have BILLS TO PAY).

In any case… way too much damn drama in my life lately for my taste. And nowhere near enough sleep. Back to the job boards for me.

Insomniac Thoughts

This is mainly fueled by something a friend is experiencing and it got me to thinking. I think it is very interesting how employers expect their employees to work hard, to go the extra mile, to provide excellent customer service, show up early, stay late, work overtime, sacrifice time with your family, friends, loved ones, be on-call, work weekends and holidays…. give, give, give… and they think that they can just take and take and never worry about giving their employees the chance to recharge and find subtle ways to punish people who take time off or are punitive to those who fall ill after putting in long hours.

I am all for putting in a good day’s work and receiving a fair paycheck for that work. I am all for going the extra mile and providing excellent customer service. I’ll take my lumps when I deserve them and once in a while, even when I don’t. I show up early, I stay late, I work weekends but it is very, very rarely that I receive even a “well done” or a “thank you” much less any sort of real, tangible appreciation when I go above and beyond what is expected or even what is reasonable.

Is it really reasonable to have an employee be “on-call” for a week at a time when that means they will easily work 60-80 hours (or more) during the on-call week and then have to work their regular 40 hour week afterwards which puts them “on the job” for 12 days in a row? Factor in a call at, say, 1AM which keeps the employee out until 3AM and then they return home, get three hours of sleep (if they are lucky) and need to get up and get back to the job. Is that wise? Is that safe? Are we really looking at the best interests of ANYONE in that scenario?

Maybe this all made sense back in the days when people got a job after they left school (high school or college) and stayed with the company for 35-40 years. When companies had some loyalty to their employees. When your boss knew your name and your spouse’s name and the names of all of your children. And your kid got a nice pen & pencil set from your boss when s/he graduated from High School.

But now? Now it feels like employees are a commodity. Use them up and discard them as quickly as you can and then gripe about all of the money you have to spend on training and how hard it is to find good help. Don’t think twice about telling the employee whose Grandfather passes away that if she goes to the funeral, you’ll consider it “job abandonment” and not to bother coming back if she leaves. Don’t come right out and ask a woman if she has kids or a husband (because that isn’t LEGAL) but hide the question by asking “So, if at five minutes to five we ask you to stay an extra hour or two, is that an issue?” Penalize the people who had no choice but to join the workforce after high school who were, at the time, told that what was important was work experience and now, 20 years later, the only thing that matters is whether they have a degree (which they don’t). I understand that a college education can be a wonderful thing, but there’s something to be said for 20 years of experience, too.

And if you asked them, the employers, how their employees feel about them and their company, most would be surprised to know that their employees feel shortchanged. I suspect most would not care. Employees are a “resource” to be allocated and discarded. You think no more of dismissing an employee than you do of throwing out a pen that has run out of ink.

The well has run dry. As my friend says… “all of the Care has been dredged from Giveafuck Bay”… I can only hope that something that resembles balance can be found/achieved again.

Where is the “OFF” switch?

I need to get to bed but I have insomnia kickin’ my ass again. Tomorrow (today? ) needs to be a productive day which isn’t going to happen if I don’t get off of my posterior and make things happen.

Hopefully the Tylenol PM will kick in here shortly and I will go drifting off into dreamland.

I did get a good bit done today. Too bad none of it related to what I really NEEDED to get done.

Tomorrow (Today?) I need to make some files so I can get some things filed away, job searching, maybe run around with the vacuum cleaner? And get the laundry put away. Oh yeah… and deal with the litterbox that looks much like a small tactical (and icky) weapon went off. Bleah.

Also need to locate the accupressure beads. Can’t seem to take enough pain reliever during the day to moderate the pain of a sore back… (pulled/bruised muscle? Perhaps sciatica?)

Well, it seems that that Tylenol PM are finally kicking in. Goodnight!

Two Weeks….

It’s now been two weeks since my job ended.

Yesterday (Friday) I had two interviews. One was a face-to-face interview and one was a phone interview.

The face-to-face interview was for a data entry position and, quite frankly, the amount of micromanagement (their word) involved would likely make me very unhappy. Not to worry, though because yesterday was their first day of “2 to 3 weeks” of interviewing.

The phone interview was the typical sort of questions about why I can’t seem to hold a job (I’ve been working CONTRACTS, people) and then I was told that further paperwork would be emailed to me. It hasn’t arrived. I am not holding my breath that it WILL ever arrive.

So… two interviews and I am guessing I will never hear from either place again.

And, while I want and need a job, I can honestly say I am not too sad about losing either of these opportunities.

There is something out there for me… I just have to find it.

Set the bar & still fell short…

To further add to the quandry I had the other day… the one about how could an interview go well and then… no job offer… I got a letter today from the person I had emailed with that went on about how I was the first person interviewed and set the bar very high…

Ok… so, you liked me, were even IMPRESSED with me, but gave the job to someone else? I don’t understand. Still… 300+ candidates, I made it to the dozen who were interviewed and while I didn’t make the cut and get the job, I guess I was impressive.

But impressive isn’t putting money in the bank.

I’ve got to figure out what it is that I’m missing.

What IS The Right Stuff?

When you’ve done everything right and you still strike out, you begin to second-guess yourself. That’s where I’m sitting now.

The last interview I had seemed to go well. We had a good discussion, none of the interviewer’s questions stumped me or left me wondering if I had said the right thing. I even sent a bona fide snail mail thank you letter. (Important since some of our interview discussion dealt with technology being good but people losing sight of proper business etiquette). I dressed appropriately (in fact, I was dressed in business professional clothing, the others in the office were business casual). I made the cut out of 300+ applicants to get the interview. But I didn’t get the job.

So, somewhere in the midst of all that I did RIGHT, something went WRONG. My job now is to figure out what it was so that I can correct it. So that the next time I’ll get the job.

And also, I need to figure out how to get myself in more doors thus upping my chance of an offer.

I’ve got to step up to the challenge and get that counter reset!