Bumpy ride…

Soooo… Monday at work I was introduced as the temp who was around til the tranferring employee and 2 people they’d made offers to came onboard…

Imagine my surprise today when I found out that there’s a hiring freeze and that they can’t even bring the people they’d made offers to onboard. Which means… they’re stuck with me…

Which would be interesting enough. But… there is now the fact that tomorrow evening, I have a phone interview for a different job with a different company for a job that is really so much more “me”. Or at least would be more in line with the skills I prefer using.

And I can only imagine how upset they’ll be where I am temping now (and they never miss an opportunity to remind me that I am JustATemp) if I get this other job and tell them that I’m leaving.

But, they never made me an offer… all they did was make some lame promise to think about maybe extending my contract or MAYBE offering me a job. So, I’m a little “If-you-liked-it-shoulda-offered-me-a-paycheck” (think Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”)

Will be interesting to see if anything comes of this latest recruiter contact… Wish me luck!

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